Colt grips

Our Colt reproduction grips are made of premium American walnut and fitted with factory correct, high quality hardware. Please compare with what the competition has to offer, and you’ll find that we make the most accurate reproductions on the market. We take great pride in the fact that our reproduction grips are made in Tennessee, USA, and includes US grown wood (except for certain exotic wood products) and US made hardware.

Regarding our Python grips: We have test fitted these on the 2020 Python reissue to confirm that old and new grips are interchangeable. You will find pictures of our reproduction grips on the 2020 Python under each variation. They will also fit the current production Anaconda.

IMPORTANT: We are trying our best to keep all the grip styles below in stock, but due to the high demand we are sold out every now and then. We don’t want to get paid until we can deliver, so we do NOT take backorders. If the grips you need are out of stock, please put your email address on the waiting list and we’ll send a notification when they’re back in stock.

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